jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017


Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is succinctly defined in a seminal work by Levy  (1997: p. 1) as "the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning"  CALL embraces a wide range of information and communications technology applications and approaches to teaching and learning foreign languages, from the "traditional" drill-and-practice programs that characterised CALL in the 1960s and 1970s to more recent manifestations of CALL, e.g. as used in a virtual learning environment and Web-based distance learning. It also extends to the use of corpora and concordancers, interactive whiteboards, Computer-mediated communication (CMC),  language learning in virtual worlds, and mobile-assisted language learning (MALL).

The term CALI (computer-assisted language instruction) was in use before CALL, reflecting its origins as a subset of the general term CAI (computer-assisted instruction). CALI fell out of favour among language teachers, however, as it appeared to imply a teacher-centred approach (instructional), whereas language teachers are more inclined to prefer a student-centred approach, focusing on learning rather than instruction. CALL began to replace CALI in the early 1980s (Davies & Higgins 1982: p. 3) and it is now incorporated into the names of the growing number of professional associations worldwide.

Types of CALL Programs
 CALL programs/materials include (from ICT4LT Module 1.4)
CALL-specific software: applications designed to develop and facilitate language learning, such as CD-ROMs, web-based interactive language learning exercises/quizzes.
Generic software: applications designed for general purposes, such as word-processors (Word),  presentation software (PowerPoint, see an e-book made by students "Many Moons"), and spreadsheet (Excel), that can be used to support language learning.
Web-based learning programs: online dictionaries, online encyclopedias, online concordancers, news/magazine sites, e-texts, web-quests, web publishing, blog, wiki, etc.

Computer-mediated communication (CMC) programs: synchronous - online chat; asynchronous - email, discussion forum, message board.

Types of CALL Activities

-  multiple-choice & true/false quizzes
-  gap-filling exercise/cloze
-  matching
-  re-ordering/sequencing
-  crossword puzzles
-  games
-  simulations

-  writing & word-processing
-  concordancing 
-  web quests/searching
-  web publishing
-  online communication (synchronous and asynchronous)

 Roles of the Computer in language learning and teaching:
- computer as tutor for language drills or skill practice
- computer as a tool for writing, presenting, and researching
- computer as a medium of global communication
The development of CALL – from the pedagogical perspective

I) Warschauer's Analysis 
(*Note: the three stages have not occurred in a rigid sequence. As each new stage has emerged, previous stages continue.)
  •   Structural / Behavioristic CALL (1960s -1970s)
View of Language: Structural (a formal structural system)
English Teaching Paradigm: Grammar-Translation & Audio-lingual
Principal Use of Computers: Drill and Practice
Principal Objective: Accuracy
  1. Repeated exposure to the same material is believed to be beneficial or even essential to learning.
  2. A computer is ideal for carrying out repeated drills, since the machine i) does not get bored with presenting the same material and ii) it can provide immediate non-judgmental feedback.
  3. A computer is used as a tutor, presenting material and feedback on an individualized basis, allowing students to proceed at their own pace and freeing up class time for other activities.
  •   Communicative / Cognitive CALL (1980s -1990s)
View of Language: Cognitive (a mentally constructed system through interaction)
English Teaching Paradigm: Communicative Language Teaching
Principal Use of Computers: Communicative Exercises (to practice language use; non-drill format)
Principal Objective: Fluency
  1. Grammar is taught implicitly rather than explicitly.
  2. Computers are used to stimulate discussion, writing or critical thinking. Students are encouraged to generate original utterances rather than just manipulate prefabricated language.
  3. The programs avoid telling students that they are wrong and are flexible to a variety of student responses.
  4. Computers are used as a tool (e.g., word processors, spelling and grammar checkers, and concordancers) and the target language is used exclusively.
  •   Integrative / Sociocognitive / Socioconstructive CALL (1990s -present)
View of Language: Sociocognitive (developed in social interaction through discourse communities)
English Teaching Paradigm: Content-based & ESP/EAP
Principal Use of Computers: Authentic Discourse (to perform real-life tasks)
Principal Objective: Agency (*definition: "the satisfying power to take meaningful action and see the results of our decisions and choices" Murray, 1997, p. 126)
Two types: Multimedia CALL (CD-ROMs) and Web-based CALL (on the Internet)
A) Multimedia CALL
  1. They create a more authentic learning environment using different media.
  2. Language skills are easily integrated through multimedia.
  3. Students have a high degree of control over their learning through hypermedia.
  4. It facilitates a principle focus on the content without sacrificing a secondary focus on language form.
B) Web-based CALL
  A) CMC –
  1. It provides authentic synchronous and asynchronous communication channels. Language learners can communicate directly, inexpensively, and conveniently with other learners or native speakers of the target language at any time and in any place.
  2. CMC can be carried out in several forms; it can be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-one.
  B) The Web –
  1. Students can search through millions of files around the world within minutes to locate and access authentic materials exactly tailored to their own personal interests.
  2. Students can use the Web to publish their texts or multimedia materials to share with partner classes or with the general public.

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