viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017



VIDEOCONFERENCES FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE:  Uses of technology to transmit audio and video signals to deliver course content from one location to students who are physically in other locations.

ISTE STANDARDS FOR STUDENTS: Emphasize the skills and qualities we want for students, enabling them to engage and thrive in a connected digital world.
Empowered Learner  Students use technology and understand the fundamental concepts.
Digital citizen  Ss recognize right, responsibilities and opportunities acting safe, legal and ethical students.
Knowledge Constructor: Construct and produce using variety of resources using digital tools.
Innovative designer:  Ss use variety of technology within design process to identify and solve problems creating new and creative solutions.
Computational Thinker:  Ss develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems using technological methods and test solutions.
Creative Communicator:  Ss communicate clearly and express themselves creative using platforms and digital media.
Global Collaborator:  SS use digital tools enrich their learning collaborating with others and working in teams locally and globally.

ISTE STANDARD FOR TEACHERS:  Effective teachers model to apply, to engage Ss and improve learning to enrich professional practice.
Facilitate and inspire Ss learning and creativity:  T use knowledge and technology to facilitate learning face to face and virtual in a creative an innovate way.
Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments: Teachers design, develop and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments including contemporary tools.
Model digital age work and learning:  T exhibit knowledge skills and work process representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.  T understand local and global responsibilities in a digital culture with legal and ethical beahviour.

Engage in professional growth and leadership:  Promote and demonstrate the effective use of digital tools and resources.

E-CREATION TOOLS AND SELF MADE COMPUTER-BASED RESOURCES:  Are software or applications of software that provide a free forum for students to publish their original work.
We publishing sites: creating webpages and publish in WWW
Presentation Software: specially to create presentations specially in education area.
Exercise creating tools: Software that create exercises.
Podcasting sites: Audio files that can be reproduced in media players or computers.

PROBLEM BASED LEARNING:  It’s a methodology in which the students are the principal and they develop projects, planning creating and showing the final result.

PROJECT BASED LEARNING: It’s a methodology based in solving problems, Ss needs to use specifics techniques and present the result or solution to a problem.

GAMIFICATION:  It’s the application of games in education to engage and develop the different skills and abilities of the Ss and enrich the knowledge.

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