The central purpose of this course is to provide ceontent-area teacher with a guide on how to infuse technology into the classroom, thereby supporting instructions in ways that can be extremely effective with ELLs.
This course provides teachers with practical, teachers-friendly strategies and techniques for using various technological methodologies and software programs readily available to the public wich can enhance the learning potential. Teaching ELLs through Technology is, specifically, useful for:
- Preservice content-are teachers who want to become better prepared to meet the challenges of theirs future classrooms;
- Content-area teacher educators who would like to address how to use technology for ELL instruction in their own courses;
- ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) teacher educators who would like to infuse their methods course with technology specific information and strategies.
Becomes familiar and experimients different methodolofies and strategies when applying several technological resouces useful for his/her real teaching practice.
- Defines and identifies different IT abbreviations and terminology.
- Applies different teaching technological strategie and resources.
- Analyses and grounds with solutions of several teaching issues.
- Netiquette
- Digital citizenship
- Making Accomodations for ELLs and infusing Technology into a Lesson
- Principles of Technology Use in Educational Settings
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Research
- Lesson Planning format and technology
- Write a technological lesson plan
- ISTE standards for teachers and students
- E-creation Tools and Self-Made Computer-Based Resources: Getting ELLs to Play and Be Creative with Language
Teaching Methodologies
- Flipped classroom
- Virtual tips and Google Earth
- Simulations
- social networking
- Video conferences for educational purpose
- Aunthentic learning
- Problem / Project based learning
- Discovery learning
- Gamification
- Cooperative work structures
- Connectivism
- Reality pedagogy /virtual reality
- Technological lesson plan presentations
- Lesson discussion
- Practical projects
- Student's presentations
- Cooperative work
- Project based instruction
- Problem based instruction
- Pair work
- Think-pair-share
- Peer review
- E-Portfolio creation
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